Literacy Movement 4 More Presents

The Bob & Osla
Case Award
At a time where building bridges is more important than ever, Literacy Movement 4 More will be honoring Bob and Osla Case by naming an annual $1,000 scholarship for Boston Public School (BPS) students in their name. Awarded as a one-time stipend to an exceptional BPS student who embodies the spirit of "can do", our goal is to support young people committed to enhancing and uplifting their communities.
All contributions to Literacy Movement 4 More Inc. and the Bob & Osla Case Scholarship Fund will be tax deductible, and you will be issued a tax receipt via the email provided.
Applications Open April 2022

About Bob and Osla Case
As a devoted educator and life-long activist, Dr. Bob Case has committed decades to supporting and uplifting the young people of Boston through the power of education and mathematics. Inspired by the work of civil rights leader Bob Moses, Bob joined forces with Donald King and a handful of other like-minded individuals to found Bridge to Calculus (BtC). With a mission to empower children from Boston's underserved communities to succeed in math classes, BtC was built on the need to address racial and social justice issues as they affect Boston's youth. A unique alliance between Boston Public School (BPS) students and teachers, Northeastern University faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and BtC alumni, the program meets the enormous potential of young people with equal opportunity.
Born and raised on the island of Zanzibar to parents from Goa, India, and educated in Nairobi and the United States, Osla Case is a true global citizen. Osla and Bob were privileged to take a two-week course in permaculture, living in a tree house on the side of a volcano in Nicaragua. With the majority of her work revolving around education of the underserved through loan development, Osla has recognized the immense potential of students- particularly women and young people- by working to support their dreams outside of school through microfinance. Her portfolio includes championing the work of farmers in Goa, India, assisting sustainability projects and ecology education in Costa Rica, and providing aid for local agricultural and educational infrastructure in Nicaragua. She has collaborated with BtC alumi to make differences in countries dear to them, including supporting BtC alumna Gabrielle Rigaud in her mission to launch the Agriculture Cooperative on the island of La Tortue, Haiti.
Bob and Osla Case know that the next generation of citizens that will build the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and our global communities, is sitting in our classrooms. Together, they strive to create a real, just society cemented in the belief that anyone can learn math- and, in turn, that anyone can go forth and do good. Their legacy has already made leagues in impact, the most significant sign of that being the consistent and immensely devoted pool of BtC alumni who continue to give back and create initiatives that make meaningful impacts throughout the world.
The Bob and Osla Case Scholarship Fund strives to uplift and continue the couples' life's work by supporting young people who embody their passion for justice, belief in change, and tireless good spirit.